I hate being late. Hate it - always have. I don't like rushing my kids and walking like a maniac! Someone usually has to use the bathroom, which would make us more late and I simply do not like the way I feel or act, when I am stressed from rushing, from being late. So... I do what I can to prevent us from being late by planning to leave early; however, we had a little trouble finding a place to park in the parking ramp and we were late. I am especially keen about the fact that Nicolas seems to go or become so slow, when we need to hurry. Being late can often produce some loud drama. Nicolas kind of drama... and once it starts, it's hard to stop it, if it can be stopped at all. But - I had a gift the day we went to this performance. The gift of everything turning out ok, even though we were late.

You know what? It worked out. Our seats were great!
I was surprised, actually. Although the performance had already started, we only missed less than the first 10 minutes and as soon as we were seated, both of my kiddos were quiet and just staring in utter amazement. They were mesmerized and I was smiling. I know I was; I had to be! Nicolas just sat there and was so entertained. It was great. The music, sound and colorful visual effects were good and -- not too loud or bright for an over-sensitive boy. Whew - that was a huge relief.
Every once in a while, Nicolas would glance over at me, to see if I had just seen whatever awesome stunt had just happened... and then he'd smile. He was certainly wide-eyed, no doubt whatsoever - he was enjoying himself very much. He was not distracted, crying, angry, fighting with me or his sister... he was just a little boy who was enjoying a show. Wow...

The time went fast and before we knew it, the performance was over. I was kind of surprised at how well the show was put together and we had never seen the Peking Acrobats before - so it was a nice treat, even for me.
The kids were hungry and we left rather quickly, as I needed to stop and see a newlywed friend at an art gallery. Of course, I got her attention through the glass walls and windows, so she came outside to us. She cracked me up... thinking I could bring Nicolas in to an art gallery. I didn't even want to be in there, without them. It was beeeeeutiful - all modern and contemporary art, but definitely NOT a place for hungry kids or their mother who didn't have time put make up on! The ponytail rescues me every time!

He was impressed. I was impressed; and I didn't even count the number of people!
If I ever have another opportunity to take the kids to see the Peking Acrobats, I will. They held Nick's attention and I do not remember the last time he was so intent or focused, while enjoying himself. For that, I am rather happy... and thankful.
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever..."
~ Pslam 118:1
his love endures forever..."
~ Pslam 118:1
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