1. Brown sugar
2. Carbitol
3. Concentrated fruit juice
4. Corn syrup
5. Demerara Sugar
6. Dextrose
7. Evaporated cane juice
8. Free Flowing Brown Sugars
9. Fructose
10. Galactose
11. Glucose
12. High Fructose Corn Syrup
13. Honey
14. Invert Sugar
15. Lactose
16. Malt
17. Maltodextrin
18. Maltose
19. mannitol
20. Maple syrup
21. Molasses
22. Muscovado or Barbados Sugar
23. Panocha
24. Powdered or confectioner's sugar
25. Rice Syrup
26. Sucrose
27. Sugar (granulated)
28. Treacle
29. Turbinado sugar
So, whadda we do? We can try to use natural sugar substitutes, such as:
1. Barley Malt
2. Brown Rice Syrup
3. Date Sugar
4. Honey (raw, unpasteurized honey is best)
5. Maple Syrup and Sugar
6. Molasses
7. Sorghum
8. Agave nectar – which is our favorite
But - we are still taming the yeast. No sugar for Nicolas. We did use a product that we liked.
It's called "Just Like Sugar". Look at the claims it makes:
Healthiest Sugar Substitute Ever!

Just Like Sugar appears that it is the healthiest sugar substitute and all-natural alternative sweeteners on the Earth. It is the only FDA Gras-approved sweetener of its kind and does not cause the laxative effect that other artificial sweeteners can cause. There is no aftertaste, 0 Carbs, 0 calories.
Here's why I like it:
1. Healthy (supposedly)
2. ZERO Carbs
3. ZERO Calories
4. FDA Gras-approved
5. Certificate of Appreciation from the ADA (Uh - I don't really trust dentists...)
6. Source of natural fiber - like that though
7. Natural sweetness - looking good
8. NO harmful chemicals - Could it be true? No aspartame, no saccharine, and no sucralose?
9. Kosher-certified in the United States and worldwide. "BDZ" is the highest form of kosher certification that a product can receive from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. This should make me feel good about this product, yet... I am skeptical.
10. Just Like Sugar® contains no Soy, Yeast, Animal derivatives, “MSG”, L-Glutamic Acid, D-Glutamine Acid, Aspartic Acid, Gluten Free, Wheat, Free, Dairy Free or Preservatives; it is not fermentable and will not promote tooth decay.
Ok - time to order some more. We only had one container and it's almost empty. The good news is that Vitacost.com has it and I need a few other things, so I will take advantage of the $4.99 shipping!
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