The following is pretty interesting, if I don't say so myself!
"Aluminum can also accumulate in the brain causing seizures and reduced mental alertness. The brain is normally protected by a blood-brain barrier, which filters the blood before it reaches it. Elemental aluminum does not pass easily through this barrier, but certain compounds contained within aluminum, such as aluminum fluoride do. Interestingly, many municipal water supplies are treated with both aluminum sulfate and aluminum fluoride. These two chemicals can also combine easily in the blood. Aluminum fluoride is also poorly excreted in the urine.How is it that neither my college-aged son nor his girlfriend have heard of aluminum toxicity? My mother has never heard of it either. What about the American public?
When there is a high level of absorption of aluminum and silicon, the combination can result in an accumulation of certain compounds in the cerebral cortex and can prevent nerve impulses being carried to and from the brain properly. Long term calcium deficiency can further aggravate the condition. Workers in aluminum smelting plants on a long term basis, have been know to experience dizziness, poor coordination, balance problems and tiredness. It has been claimed that the accumulation of aluminum in the brain could be a possible cause for these issues.
It is estimated that the normal person takes in between 3 and 10 milligrams of aluminum per day. Aluminum is the most abundant metallic element produced by the earth. It can be absorbed into the body through the digestive tract, the lungs and the skin, and is also absorbed by and accumulates in the bodies tissues. Aluminum is found naturally in our air, water and soil. It is also used in the process of making cooking pots and pans, utensils and foil. Other items such as over the counter pain killers, anti-inflammatory products, and douche preparations can also contain aluminum. Aluminum is also an additive in most baking powders, is used in food processing, and is present in antiperspirants, toothpaste, dental amalgams, bleached flour, grated cheese, table salt, and beer, (especially when the beer is in aluminum cans). The biggest source of aluminum, however, comes from our municipal water supplies."
I only knew that aluminum was in deodorants, because I once worked in a salon that sold "rocks" as an alternative to traditional roll-ons, solids or spray deodorants. I didn't question things back then (obviously) like I do now.
"Autopsies on a large amount of people who have died of Alzheimer’s disease showed accumulations of up to four times the normal amount of aluminum in the nerve cells in the brain, especially in the hippocampus which plays a central role in memory.I have been using amino acids to combat metals that may have accumulated in our bodies. I am also using some Young Living oils. I'll take all the help that I can get. Acids, oils... sounds funky! Just kidding... I kid, I kid - to survive chaos, I kid...
So what products should we be avoiding?
Aluminum Cookware - A study done by the University of Cincinnati Medical Center showed that using aluminum pots and pans to cook tomatoes doubled the aluminum content of the tomatoes, from 2 to 4 milligrams per serving.
Antacids - Many name brand antacids contain aluminum hydroxide. Aluminum free antacids are also available such as Alka-Seltzer, Alka Mints, Di-Gel tablets, Maalox caplets, Mylanta gel caps, Rolaids tablets, Titralac, and Tums E-X.
Antidiarrheal Products - Watch labels carefully for any mention of aluminum salts. Products containing loperamide such as Imodium AD usually do not contain aluminum salts.
Containers - Aluminum coated waxed containers, used especially for orange and pineapple juices, cause juices inside to absorb aluminum. Beer and soft drinks that are stored in aluminum cans also absorb small quantities of aluminum. Bottled beverages are better.
Deodorants - Many deodorants and antiperspirants and even some skin powders contain aluminum chlorhydrate. Aluminum in this form is more readily absorbed into the brain via the nasal passages.
Food Additives - Cake mixes, frozen doughs, self-rising flour, and sliced process cheese food all contain from 5 to 50 milligrams of sodium aluminum phosphate per average serving. Baking powder has 5 to 70 milligrams of sodium aluminum sulfate per teaspoon. Starch modifiers and anti caking agents also contain varying levels of aluminum compounds. The processed cheeses used on cheese burgers at fast food restaurants also contain aluminum, which is added to make the cheese melt better.
Shampoos - A number of anti-dandruff preparations contain magnesium aluminum silicate. Watch labels carefully for aluminum lauryl sulfate, which is a common ingredient in many popular shampoo products."
Lastly, this article about aluminum poisoning is so informative and a bit disturbing (especially the detoxification symptoms!) , that I have to share it. Have to.
I had read about the aluminum-Alzheimer's connection before, but didn't realize how prevalent aluminum was in all our foods and products. Definitely something to be aware of!