So, where or how does one get mercury poisoning? Shots - right? Oh, but they removed all the mercury (thimerosol) from vaccines and immunizations - right? So, then - where does it come from!??!
I know, I have a bit of an attitude. Even though it's calm and quiet here, I know that today will be filled with drama and squeeling -- oh, and crying too. Not a day goes by without tears (Nick's, that is)...

Back to the mercury. Time to tell it like it is - no different than any other post. Below are a few facts about mercury from the SafeMinds website.
Q: Why am I on the mercury bandwagon again?What is mercury?
Mercury is a developmental toxin that occurs naturally in the environment, as well as produced by human activities that increase occurrence in the environment. It exists in several forms: elemental or metallic mercury, inorganic mercury compounds, and organic mercury compounds.What are the effects of mercury exposure?
Mercury in all forms is an acknowledged neurotoxin. High levels of mercury in the blood-stream of unborn babies and young children impairs brain development. Mercury has been linked to NDDs, such as mental retardation, Attention Deficit Disorder, autism and other impairments affecting behavior, mental and emo-tional health. According to the EPA, 1 in 6 women of child-bearing age already have levels of mercury in their bodies considered harmful to unborn children.What is thimerosal?
Thimerosal contains ethyl-mercury, a documented and dangerous neurotoxin. It is used as an inexpensive preservative in vaccines. Developed in the 1930’s and marketed by Eli Lilly, thimerosal has never been tested using modern safety standards.What amount of mercury in vaccines is safe?
The National Academies of Science set the safe standard for thimerosal based on The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) guidelines for methyl-mercury, 0.1 micro-grams per 2.2 pounds of body weight per day. Some vaccines, like the flu shot, contain as much as 25 micro-grams of mercury, over 10 times the safe limit for an infant.Protect Yourself
10 Sources of Mercury That You Can Do Something About!
By Katie Weisman, SafeMinds Environmental Committee
Mercury is dangerous. Most of us know it but few of us really have a handle on all the places it is present in modern life. Few of us know how much mercury it takes to pose a threat or how to reduce our exposure. This new ongoing series of articles will clarify these issues and help you to protect yourself, your family and our planet.
These are potential sources of mercury that you need to be aware of. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but is intended to outline key exposures for large populations.
1. Fish consumption
2. Dental amalgam
3. Vaccines
4. Fluorescent Lighting
5. E-Waste
6. Batteries
7. Thermometers and Thermostats
8. Emissions and Occupational Exposures
9. Fungicides/Disinfectants and Paints/Glues
10. Plastics, Bleach and Other Chlor-Alkali End ProductsMercury has been used in the past in many more products than it is today and with far less attention paid to its toxicity. From candles to fishing sinkers to the children’s sneakers with the “light-up” heels, mercury has been removed from many consumer products. However, you need to be aware that the old chemistry set or blood pressure gauge sitting in your grandparents’ attic may be a threat.
- When mercury is present in the body either from recent acute exposure or long-term chronic exposure, it can exponentially increase the adverse affect of other toxins 10-fold to 100-fold in a process known as “synergistic toxicity.”
- Autism is closely correlated with a lessened ability to excrete toxins.
There is much evidence that autism is triggered by a toxic overload which adversely affects organs throughout the body, including the brain. Research indicates that several toxins and biological agents could be contributing to a toxic overload causing autism, including but not limited to:
- ethylmercury in vaccines
- methylmercury and other forms of mercury in the environment
- organic pesticides
- bisphenol A in plastics
- aluminum hydroxide (used in vaccines to stimulate an immune response)
- certain viruses
A: Come on over and live at our house for day and you'll know why.
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