This year... ugh - the top row. Way up in the back...
The girl never minds waiting. She's happy just being with me!
Back to the announcer's warning about being a Peking Acrobat... and not trying to do the stunts at home.
At home? My kids didn't even get out of the building before trying!

All in all, it was a fun day. Nicolas plays well with kids both his age and younger. He doesn't really have any friends who are older, so I don't know how that dynamic would work. But - on some days, it's a real gamble as to whether or not he is going to "behave". He did pretty good on this particular day... for Nicolas, that is. I really love having the freedom to homeschool and take field trips... we needed it this week.
And yes, I know that my nails are getting too long again. Makes typing a lot of fun.
We've seen the Peking Acrobats a few times at the Overture, though not the past couple of years. Sounds like a fun field trip!