Thursday, January 6, 2011

Safe Mints - Yum Yum

I'm always on the lookout for safe treats for my family, but - especially for Nicolas and especially this time of year, the after-Christmas let down.  Long gone are the days of Christmas stockings that were filled with marshmallow Santas and holiday Snicker bars.  Pears and pomegranates replaced the corn syrup filled sugary candies.  And mints.  And Christmas was good.

In November, I found a wonderful new (to me) candy called Meltzer's Puremints.  I bought spearmint flavor.

Label says --
100% Natural, Absolutely Nothing Artificial and No Animal Products.
On the back it says:  Gluten free. Non-irradiated, no propylene glycol.  
 Although sealed in plastic wrap, I can smell these little lovlies!  WOW - they smell more than amazing.  Wow - I hafta say it again...  WOW.

I got these at Vita Source in Madison, however, I believe that Whole Foods sells them as well.  I keep them in my purse and enjoy them during church.  I love church and I love these mints.

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  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by The Millennial Housewife and leaving a comment! I always love to hear that people are using my deals. Stop back again soon!
