Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Haircuts, Dark Circles and Grumpy

I need to complain.

Not about the CDC, FDA or vaccines. Not about GMO's or crappy HMO's. Not about food labels, chemicals or ingredients... or any of the other negative things I deal with on a daily basis.

Haircuts. I took Nicolas to get a cool little new hair style. He needed one and although he is 8 years old, he has only had 2 other haircuts in his life that I didn't cut. Being a former cosmetologist, I can give him a decent haircut, but - the other day I was feeling kind of happy and decided to splurge and get him a professional salon cut. She did an awful job, didn't listen to me and I hate Nick's bald head! I'm mad he has a crappy hair style and a poor cut for his head size, hair texture, etc.

Nick has very dark circles under his eyes again. We saw his DAN! doctor last week...all is progressing; however, I am still discouraged about the raccoon resemblance though.

And lastly, I think I sometimes feel mad that I am mad. And that's makes me even more mad.

What I mean to say is that sometimes, most times - lately, I catch myself feeling discouraged. That's all - I am just tired this week. Maybe it's because it snows every other day around here? Or maybe not.

I am pretty mad about the haircut. I can't say I have never messed up a haircut in the last 25 years, but - dang... Nick doesn't need to look goofy.

I'll be over this in a few months, once my bald child has grown his hair out... I hope. Maybe I should just cut his hair for the rest of our lives. Yup - that's it.

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