Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So Close & Yet So Far

Evey once in a while, I feel like I get really close to understanding my son and his illness. And then, there are days when I have done everything right: supplements, exercise, sleep, environment, immunity drops, attitude, food, water, etc. - and... I get some off-the-wall behavior or he gets sick. Even with his gluten-free, dairy-free, corn-free, and all the other "free's" of healthy food I make for Nicolas, there are still some hard days...

At this point in our recovery, when we are working so hard to buy and cook whole foods without checmicals, pesticides and all the junk -- it can seem very defeating, and like a step backwards.

This is where and when my faith comes in to action. Action! I am going to believe my child is healing, even when I do not see anything. This is one of those times.

The rest of this week I will describe what it is like to travel with a special needs child, with food allergies and how it affected our group. Clearly, God gave me some supernatural patience last weekend and my memories are mostly happy. I choose to keep the happy memories, that is. Uh - like, why would I want to remember the not-so-good ones? Only to see just how far we have come, that's all - right? And to see how God has provided for us.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things yet unseen!

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